Category Archives: National Bed Federation


Is Your Mattress Affecting Your Sleep?

Many of us are now familiar with the link from poor sleep to health issues. But how many of us realise that it could be our mattress to blame for a bad night’s sleep?

A bed that provides the right amount of support, comfort and room to move is less likely to keep us awake at night and cause partner disturbance. So, how can you tell whether your mattress is up to scratch?

Read on for advice on how your mattress affects your sleep.

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Enjoy A Mightier Sleep with Kaymed’s Mighty Bed

Are you looking for a firmer feel mattress for a better night’s sleep? Well, look no further than the Kaymed Mighty Bed™.

Specially designed with extra deep layers of upholstery for superb comfort and support the Mighty Bed is engineered to accommodate heavier weights comfortably.

Also known as the Extended Life Mattress, find out more how this firm feel bed provides excellent support.

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Dalzells – Your Local NBF Premier Retail Champion

The National Bed Federation (NBF) has just this week announced that Dalzells has been awarded its Premier Retail Champion stamp of approval.

The NBF is the recognised trade association representing UK manufacturers of beds and their suppliers. Founded in 1912, the National Bed Federation offers professional, independent advice on beds to help people understand the bed-buying journey. 

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