Tag Archives: The Sleep Council

Back Pain – Choosing the Right Bed

It is estimated that four out of every five adults (80%) will experience back pain at some stage in their life.*  Whilst there are many physical and psychosocial factors that contribute to back pain – heavy physical work, frequent bending, twisting, lifting, obesity, stress, anxiety, depression – it’s worth remembering that a good bed, providing correct support and comfort, has an important role to play in relieving and preventing back pain.

What Bed is Best For Back Pain?

There’s no single right bed to ease a back problem and for every back problem there is a different solution. It’s worth taking time to try a number of different beds and choose one that provides you with the right support and comfort levels.

It’s often assumed that orthopaedic or firmer beds are the best option for people, especially those with back problems.  However, a supportive mattress with proper cushioning can be the better option. Sleeping on a saggy, lumpy uncomfortable bed could not only cost you up to an hour’s sleep a night but it also could be contributing to your back problem.

Bed Tips for Relieving Back Pain**

  1. Buy a bed that’s supportive and comfortable. Ideally your mattress should mould to your body; too soft and your body will slouch which could result in back pain; too firm and your hips and shoulders pressure points could feel discomfort.
  2. Take time and try out different beds – lie on each bed for quite a long time – at least 5 minutes.
  3. Choose one bed size up – a bigger bed will be of benefit both for the back pain sufferer and their partner.
  4. Think also about the height of the bed and whether you can get in and out of it easily. An adjustable bed might be an option if this is an area of particular concern. Has an Adjustable Bed been recommended to you or a family member for health reasons? If so, and you live in Northern Ireland, request a letter from your Doctor and we’ll Zero Rate The Vat on your purchase! Yes, you will not need to pay the 20% VAT!
  5. Consider choosing a Non-Turn Mattress.
  6. Choose a pillow that provides both neck and back support, ensuring the neck is in alignment with the rest of the spine.
  7. Try and adopt a sleeping position which creates less physical stress on the back (e.g. lying on your side is better than lying on your front with your neck twisted to one side!).

What to do next?

Stocking a wide range of leading bed brands, Armagh Beds.com and Dalzell’s of Markethill has an extensive selection of firm, medium and soft mattress options to help you find the optimum level of support for your back pain needs. With over 500 beds in stock including orthopaedic and adjustable beds from leading brands KaymedKing Koil, Respa,DorluxOdearestSlumber NightSleeptightMyers and Staples there’s something for everyone at Dalzell’s.

What’s more, we offer a Free Delivery service and Free Recycling of Your Old Bed across Northern Ireland and Counties Louth, Monaghan and Dublin, with competitive rates across the rest of Ireland.

*BackCare – The Charity for Healthier Backs – Back Facts

** The Sleep Council – Look After Your Back

You should contact your GP if you’re worried about your back or struggling to cope with the pain.

Exercise Your Way to Better Sleep

Can exercise improve sleep?

We all know that a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise is good for us, but did you know that our sleep patterns are affected by the amount of physical activity we engage in?

Whilst seven to eight hours sleep may be typical, not everyone needs nor indeed sleeps for this number of hours – some need more, and others less. Sleep patterns also vary with age, with older people quite often needing less sleep than younger adults.

Adding regular moderate exercise to a daily routine for 16 weeks showed middle-aged to older people could fall asleep about 15 minutes earlier and sleep roughly 45 minutes longer. (Stanford University, February 2011)

Conversely, exercising in the morning is an excellent way to get the body awake. Whether it’s going for a run or doing some other form of exercise, this stimulates the body, which perks us up.

What’s the optimum level of exercise to help us sleep?

The latest research by The Sleep Council found that people who exercise five to six times per week are the least likely to take medication to help them sleep (12% compared to a national average of 17%), which suggests this could be the optimal amount of exercise needed to improve sleep.

Said Jessica Alexander: What’s clear is that one of the best ways to improve sleep is simply to take more exercise. For many of us, that plus a sensible, regular bedtime and a comfortable bed, are key to sleeping well.” 

Top tips to help you sleep

  1. Don’t overdo it. Wearing yourself out physically is not particularly likely to induce sleepiness. In fact it can be counter-productive and lead to wakefulness and alertness when trying to sleep.
  2. Though it’s widely believed that working out too close to bedtime can disturb sleep, there isn’t evidence that backs this argument, so it’s better to exercise in the evening than not at all.
  3. The important thing is to exercise because it makes you feel fitter and better, and if you are experiencing sleeping difficulties, the more you exercise, the more likely you are to improve your sleeping patterns.

What to do next?

At Armagh Beds.com we want to make sure you get a great night’s sleep. As a Sleep Council Retailer our expert staff will be only too happy to advise on what bed and mattress is best for you.  You can place your order and gain expert advice from our experienced team over the phone on 028 3755 1260 or even by Email. Or why not Visit in-store at Dalzells, located in Markethill, just off the A28 between Armagh and Newry and less than 45 minutes drive from Lisburn.  No time to visit, no problem!   With over 500 beds and mattresses in stock and free delivery across Northern Ireland and Counties Louth, Monaghan and Dublin, Armagh Beds.com provides a complete service. We also offer competitive rates for delivery throughout the rest of Ireland, which is free in the case of our Sleeptight and Respa divan beds.

Northern Ireland Loses Out On Sleep

Great British Bedtime Report 

According to a major new report published today (March 1) by The Sleep Council the average person in Northern Ireland has less sleep than the rest of the population in the United Kingdom. The Report found:

  1. 11:28pm – time average person in Northern Ireland Briton goes to bed.
  2. Average person gets 6hrs 19 minutes of sleep per night (Lowest)
  3. 26% have used alcohol as a remedy to help them get to sleep (Highest)
  4. 46% of people say that worry/stress keeps them awake at night.
  5. 31% of people only get between 5-6 hours sleep per night, whilst 14% get under 5 hours of sleep per night.

The findings – being announced at the start of National Bed Month (March) – come from The Sleep Council’s biggest ever research project. Some 5000 people were surveyed in January 2013 to provide an overview of British sleeping habits. The results are published in an in-depth report – The Great British Bedtime Report.

The Impact of Poor Sleep

Although current NHS guidelines indicate that we don’t necessarily need eight hours sleep, experts believe that most adults require somewhere between six and nine hours in order to feel refreshed and to function well both mentally and physically.

Said Jessica Alexander of The Sleep Council: “Sleeping well is as crucial to our health and wellbeing as eating a healthy diet or exercising regularly…Just one bad night’s sleep affects our mood, concentration and alertness while long-term sleep deprivation has far more serious consequences: it’s been linked to a number of serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.”

What Affects Our Sleep?

To ensure you experience good sleep it’s essential to follow good lifestyle habits and to eliminate the factors that are causing you disturbed sleep. Temperature, light, distraction, comfort and the ability to relax are all major factors that affect our sleep and while many of the respondents underestimated the importance of the bedroom environment, the value of a good bed is recognised. More than one in five respondents say they could improve their sleep simply by buying a new bed. And seven out of 10 (72%) follow Sleep Council advice and have had their bed for less than seven years.

The Report also found that people are prepared to invest in a good night’s sleep with the average person spending £583.05 on a new bed, with the divan being the most widely bought type. What’s more, 63% of us prefer to sleep on a divan bed with 31% of respondents opting for a King Size Bed.

What To Do Now

As a Sleep Council Accredited Retailer, Armagh Beds.com has a great selection of divans, mattresses and double beds in-store and online. What’s more we offer a Free Delivery and Recycling Service throughout our Free Delivery Zone – Northern Ireland and Counties Dublin, Louth and Monaghan – with competitive rates across the rest of Ireland. Located in Markethill, just off the A28 between Armagh and Newry, we are just a short drive from Belfast and easily accessible to Dublin from the M1.  No time to visit, no problem! You can place your order and gain expert advice from our experienced team over the phone on 028 3755 1260 or even by Email. Stocking a wide range of leading bed brands that include KaymedKing KoilRespa,DorluxOdearestSlumber NightSleeptightMyers and Staples there’s something for everyone at Dalzell’s of Markethill.

Is the Cold Keeping you Awake at Night?

How does the cold affect sleep?

With the snow still lying on the ground and the freezing temperatures set to continue it’s no wonder we’re all retreating to our bedrooms to snuggle up and keep warm. Research* has shown that, similar to animals, humans have their own kind of hibernation during the winter months with adults five times more likely to spend more time in bed during the winter months than summer.

If we get too cold at night, we get restless, our sleep patterns are interrupted and we lose out on our sleep. Essential to our health and well-being, sleep plays a significant role in brain development.  After just one night without sleep our concentration levels lessen considerably. For a restful night’s sleep our core temperature should only be half a degree less than during the day.  So what can we do to make sure we stay warm at night without overheating?

The Sleep Council has produced this really useful guide on keeping warm. Their simple and easy tips will ensure you avoid the chill at night but don’t overheat either.


Top tips on keeping warm 

  1. Wear night clothes such as pyjamas or a large T-shirt to keep you warm. Natural fibres such as wool, cotton or silk will keep you warmer than synthetic materials.
  2. Have a warm bath just before you go to bed. This will gently warm and relax you to help you feel sleepy.
  3. Have a warming, milky drink.
  4. Try to take some exercise which will get the circulation going to help keep the body warm – but don’t do vigorous exercise too close to bed time as you may feel too invigorated to sleep.
  5. Keep the bedroom warm, but not too hot, and free from draughts.
  6. Look for a mattress which has a “warm” side for use during the winter. A soft sleeping surface is a better insulator than a flat one. Use a fleecy underblanket to retain the heat.
  7. Choose a duvet with a high tog rating or use several layers of bedding rather than one single layer. Layers will trap warm air and are easily removed if you get too hot.
  8. A hot water bottle is an ideal way to keep warm once in bed. Make sure it has a cover on it to avoid scalding and also so that it won’t feel cold in the middle of the night.
  9. Electric blankets are ideal. Underblankets will warm the bed up before you retire for the night, while overblankets maintain a constant temperature throughout the night.

Choosing the right duvet

A duvet’s warmth is rated by its tog rating and can extend from a lightweight summer version of between 3.0 – 4.5 tog through to a warmer, cosier autumn or winter duvet with a tog rating of between 9 and 13.5. Seasonal duvets are increasingly popular as they can be quickly adjusted to the temperature dipping: this added flexibility is a hit with many in these cold winter months.

Maybe you or your partner struggle to keep warm with one or other taking control of the duvet – a duvet one size up may be the ideal solution to keeping you both cosy. The Bedroom Couture White Goose Feather & Down 5′ Duvet is a great choice. With its 85% White Goose Feather and 15% White Goose Down filling, this Luxurious Duvet provides Even Distribution for all over Warmth and Comfort.

For those that need an anti-allergy duvet, try the Bedroom Couture Microfibre 5′ Duvet. With its Microfibre Fabric Cover providing a Super Soft Feel and Superior Drape, this Ultrafine Spiral Hollow Fibre filled Duvet  is  available in a 13.5 Tog and is Non-Allergenic and Machine Washable for added convenience.

What to do next?

At Armagh Beds.com we retail an extensive collection of duvets in a range of sizes including Single Duvets, Double Duvets and King Size Duvets. With more than 55 years of  bedding expertise you can count on Dalzell’s to deliver! Located in Markethill on the main A28, just 45 miles from Belfast, we’re just a short drive away from Portadown and Lisburn. Of course you can always place your order online, over the phone on 028 3755 1260 or even by Email.  However you decide to shop with us you can be assured of Expert AdviceA Great Deal and Free Delivery of your Bedding, Bed or Mattress throughout N. Ireland and Counties Monaghan, Louth and Dublin City, with highly competitive rates available across the rest of the UK and Ireland.

*From the HiberNation survey of 1,000 adults, undertaken by the Better Sleep Council of America, published in autumn 1998.

New Year, New Bed?

Sleep, beautiful sleep

Now that the New Year has arrived, maybe you’ve decided that this is the year that you’re going to sleep better.  Often unaware that our bed is one of the main reasons for not sleeping well, sleeping in a bed that no longer provides the proper support or comfort can affect the quality of our sleep. According to research conducted by sleep expert Dr Chris Idzikowski, sleeping in an uncomfortable bed could cost you up to an hour’s sleep a night.

Am I due a New Bed?

Changes in our lifestyle and the quality, care and amount of use our beds get impact on whether we need to think about buying a new bed. Factors such as getting married, moving to a new home, losing or gaining weight and our age can affect the level of comfort and support our bed provides. How we use our beds and the length of time we spend in them e.g. reading, watching television or the occasional use of a spare bed can be the deciding factors in choosing a new bed.  Buying a new bed is an important investment especially when we consider that we spend a third of our life in bed.

The Bed M.O.T.

Ask yourself the following 10 questions to find out whether you’re ready for a new bed:

1. Is it seven or more years old? The critical ‘Seven year itch’ can be a make or break moment for many marriages and mattresses.
No [ ] Yes [ ]

2. Did you have your best night’s sleep recently on a different bed?
No [ ] Yes [ ]

3. Are you waking up more frequently feeling unrefreshed and with aching joints?
No [ ] Yes [ ]

4. Do you disturb your partner or are you disturbed by them when changing sleep positions during the night?
No [ ] Yes [ ]

5. Does it look used or worn?
No [ ] Yes [ ]

6. Does it feel lumpy?
No [ ] Yes [ ]

7. Does it make suspicious noises in the night or when you turn the mattress?
No [ ]  Yes [ ]

8. Is it sagging in the middle – do you and your partner roll towards each other unintentionally during the night?
No [ ]  Yes [ ]

9. Are the base, legs or castors lumpy, worn or wobbly?
No [ ] Yes [ ]

10. Would it be embarrassing if the neighbours saw your bed without its covers?

No [ ] Yes [ ]

If you answered yes to four or more questions the advice from the Sleep Council is to “Get a new bed fast”.

What to do now

At Dazell’s of Markethill there’s no need to wait days or weeks on a better night’s sleep. We want to ensure you have the confidence in knowing you have made the right choice of bed and mattress based on your individual needs. With over 500 beds and mattresses in stock and with free delivery across Northern Ireland and Counties Louth, Monaghan and Dublin, Armagh Beds.com provides a complete service. Of course, you can always Visit in-store at Dalzells, located in Markethill, just off the A28 between Armagh and Newry. We are just a short 20 minute drive from Lurgan and 55 minutes drive from Lisburn.  No time to visit, no problem! You can place your order and gain expert advice from our experienced team over the phone on 028 3755 1260 or even by Email.  What’s more, as a Sleep Council Retailer we can also provide you with expert impartial advice on choosing beds and mattresses to suit your individual needs. With Free Delivery and Recycling Service across Northern Ireland and Counties Louth, Monaghan and Dublin, we offer competitive rates across the rest of the UK and Ireland.

Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite

Dust Mites and Allergies 

How many of us as children remember hearing the rhyme ‘Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite’ before bedtime? No surprise when we  consider that the average person shares a bed with over two million house dust mites. According to the national charity, Allergy UK, the bedroom is the most allergic room in the house.

77% of those with an indoor allergy suffer in the bedroom, but 41% recognise their symptoms are actually made worse by that room.

The Bed MOT

Of course, proper care will keep your bed in good condition for longer. However, with the Sleep Council and scientific research now recommending that we change our beds every seven years, it’s worth making time to take the Bed MOT (Mattress Obsolescence Test) to ensure that your bed and mattress meets the health and wellness needs of you, your partner and your family.

Pillow and Mattress Protection 

Important too is the quality and care of your bedding. Whilst many pillows are fully washable it is advisable to replace them every two years. Pillows that have become lumpy or discoloured will no longer provide proper support and could contain high levels of dust mites and skin; a nuisance for allergy sufferers.  Other simple ways of ensuring your bed and mattress stay fresh and allergy free is by using mattress protectors and pillow protectors. Designed to protect your mattress and pillows against soiling and general wear and tear, these protectors will keep your bedding and bed fresher and cleaner for longer.  For allergy sufferers in particular, there is a huge array of anti-allergy, natural protectors available. Breathable and waterproof, mattress and pillow protectors can help keep your new bed allergen-free, or prevent existing allergens from being present in older bedding.

What to do now…

At Dalzell’s of Markethill we want to make sure that you are getting the maximum benefit from your bed and bedding.  With a great selection of pillow protectors and mattress protectors online you are assured of making the right choice for your individual comfort and support needs. Or, you can Visit in-store today at Dalzells, your local Bedding Experts in N. Ireland. Located in Markethill, with plenty of free on-street parking and just off the A28 between Armagh and Newry, we’re a short 15 minute drive from Portadown, 20 minutes from Dungannon and Banbridge. You can of course always place your order and gain expert advice from our experienced team over the phone on 028 3755 1260 or even by Email.  Whatever way you shop with us you can be assured of A Great Deal and Expert Advice. What’s more we offer a Free Delivery and Recycling Service across Northern Ireland and Counties Louth, Monaghan and Dublin, with competitive rates across the rest of the UK and Ireland.

How to Create the Perfect Sleep Environment

The Perfect Sleep Environment

Did you wake up this morning feeling refreshed? If not, you’re not alone. According to the recently published Great British Sleep Survey, people from Northern Ireland are considered among the ‘Worst Sleepers’ in the UK.

What Keeps us Awake?

Citing bodily discomfort, noise, partners, room temperature and light levels as the top five physical factors affecting sleep, “the racing mind” was considered the main cause of Sleeplessness. Affecting us both emotionally and physically, Sleep Deprivation significantly contributes to daytime fatigue and lack of concentration.

What Sleep Advice is Available?

Fortunately though, organisations such as The Sleep Council are here to help, and as a certified member of The Sleep Council, Dalzell’s of Markethill are fully trained to offer expert bed, mattress and sleep advice to our customers.  Or why not check out our Bed and Mattress Buyers Guides at Armagh Beds.com Still unsure if your Bed or Bedroom is giving you the Quality Sleep you deserve? Read on for some top tips  to creating the perfect sleep environment from sleep expert, Kathleen McGrath.

 Top Tips for the Perfect Sleep Environment:

  1. Just the Right Temperature – between 16 and 18 degrees centigrade. Feeling too hot or too cold in the night can lead to restless sleep and wakefulness.
  2. Kept dark. Light is a common sleep ‘robber’ so investing in a good pair of well lined curtains which keep the Light Out and the Room Dark can be really helpful.
  3. Free from Distractions. So lose the laptop, the mobile, the computer games, the television and anything else that is likely to distract from the serious business of sleep!
  4. Comfortable. And central to comfortable is a Good Supportive Bed – the bigger the better (for less partner disturbance) and as good as the budget can stretch to: we spend a third of our life in bed so why compromise on the cost of a good night’s sleep?
  5. Relaxing. The bedroom should be an oasis of Calm and Tranquility – uncluttered and devoted to the land of dreams.

What To Do Now…

As a certified member of The Sleep Council, Dalzell’s of Markethill takes your health and sleep needs seriously.  We want to make sure that you are getting the maximum benefit from your bed and mattress ensuring you years of restful, quality sleep.  At Armagh Beds.com we have produced a series of Bed and Mattress Buyers Guides so that you are assured of making the right choice for your individual comfort and support needs. Or why not Visit in-store today at Dalzells, your local Bedding Experts in N. Ireland. You’ll find us in Markethill’s Main Street with convenient free on-street parking, that’s just off the A28 between Armagh and Newry, a short 20 minute drive from Banbridge or Dungannon and 45 minutes from Lisburn down the M1. You can of course always place your order and gain expert advice from our experienced team over the phone on 028 3755 1260 or even by Email. However you decide to shop with us you can be assured of Expert AdviceA Great Deal and Free Delivery of your Bed or Mattress throughout N. Ireland and Counties Monaghan, Louth and Dublin City, with highly competitive rates available across the rest of the UK and Ireland.