Category Archives: Hestia Motion

Sherborne Electric Beds

Four Tips On Choosing An Adjustable Bed

For anyone thinking about purchasing an adjustable bed, there are lots of models in the market nowadays. Electric beds have come a long way from the old-style hospital bed.

Knowing what to look for when buying an electric adjustable bed is an important consideration. You need to consider the type, designs available and the size of the bed you’ll need – also, the cost and your budget, and whether you need a special mattress or adaptations.

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Will an Adjustable Bed Stop Snoring?

Although snoring is a common complaint, it can be particularly disruptive to you or your partner’s sleep. It’s widely believed that half the population snore at some time in their life, with more men in Ireland snoring than women.

Although snoring can be caused by sleep apnoea, it’s usually because of lifestyle factors such as being overweight, smoking, drinking too much alcohol or sleeping on your back.

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