Category Archives: Sleep Disorders

Is snoring keeping you awake at night?


Have you ever lain awake at night or been disrupted from your sleep by a partner that snores? Perhaps you are the person that is snoring and it is affecting your partner’s sleeping pattern. Whichever way, snoring can have a significant impact on our ability to get a good night’s sleep and potentially affect our relationships. Help is at hand, however. Monday marked the start of National Stop Snoring Week, an annual event promoting general awareness that nobody need suffer as a result of snoring: it is a condition that can be treated.

What is snoring?

The British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association defines snoring as: ‘… a coarse sound made by vibrations of the soft palate and other tissues of the mouth, nose and throat (upper airway). It is caused by a partial blockage of the upper airway.’

Our chances of snoring can be increased by factors such as being overweight, alcohol, and smoking.  People with severe snoring may have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)a condition where the airways become temporarily blocked during sleep.


How many of us snore?*

  1. 41.5% of the UK adult population snore.
  2. There are approximately 15 million snorers in the UK.
  3. Snoring affects 30 million people in the UK.
  4. There are 10.4 million males and 4.5 million females who snore
  5. The ratio of male to female snorers is 2.3:1
  6. Figures from a recent survey found men are louder snorers than women.
  7. 58% of snorers are between 50-59 years of age.

* (Credit: British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association)

Snoring self-help tips:

There are a number of lifestyle changes and sleep hygiene tips that can help minimise snoring:

  1. Try and maintain a healthy diet and weight.
  2. Try to sleep on your side rather than your back.
  3. Avoid alcohol before going to bed.
  4. Quit or cut down on smoking.
  5. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine as this helps to promote sleep.
  6. Keep your nasal passages clear so that you breathe in through your nose rather than your mouth.
  7. Try and keep your bedroom at the right temperature – between 16 and 18 degrees centigrade.
  8. Keep your bedroom free from distractions – mobile phones, computers / laptops and the television can all contribute to sleep disruption.
  9. Make sure your bed is providing you with the right support. A bigger bed may help with less partner disturbance.
  10. Create a relaxing sleeping environment by keeping the bedroom uncluttered and not too bright at night.

What to do next:

As a Sleep Council Accredited Retailer, Dalzell’s is committed to providing our customers with expert advice and support on getting a good night’s sleep.  If you are concerned about you or your partner’s snoring it may be helpful to talk to your GP, pharmacist or other professional bodies, including the British  Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association.  Visit us in-store, call 028 3755 1260email or go online where you’ll find lots of information on getting a good night’s sleep, best buys and choosing the right bed for you. A short drive from Newry and located convenient to Lisburn and Belfast, we’re perfectly placed to accommodate your new bed purchase. What’s more, we provide a Free Collection and Recycling of Your Old Bed service and Free Delivery of your New Bed throughout our Free Delivery Zone, which extends across Northern Ireland, and Counties Louth, Monaghan and Dublin, in the rest of Ireland.

Help your child get a good night’s sleep

If you’ve been watching Channel 4’s Bedtime Live programme, you’ll understand what it’s like for parents with children who don’t sleep. We all know that sleep is important. It’s vital for our physical, mental and emotional well-being. When our children have sleep issues it can be exhausting, affecting the whole family, It was found that sleep deprivation in children can affect parents’ and carers’ relationships, emotional well-being and contribute to feelings of depression.*

How lack of sleep impacts on children

Of course, sleep deprivation for children can be quite significant, too. When children don’t get enough sleep their behaviour and mood can be affected. They may become hyperactive at night leading to drowsiness during the day. Lack of sleep also impacts on children’s ability to learn and function, leaving them unable to reach their full potential. It could also affect their growth.

Why is sleep important for children?

During sleep growth hormones are released and the immune system strengthens, helping your child’s body to fight off illness. It also helps us make sense of the day’s events helping our memory and concentration functions to increase. Ultimately, sleep helps our bodies rest and restores our emotional wellbeing. So how much sleep do children need? The table below provides a guide to how much sleep a child needs at different ages. Please note, times are given as averages as there are no two children with identical sleep habits.


Practical tips to help your child with sleep

  1. Keep a sleep diary to help assess your child’s sleep patterns.
  2. Try and understand why your child is not sleeping. If they’re old enough, talk with them about their sleep.
  3. Are there medical reasons why your child may not be able to sleep?
  4. Check what your children are eating and drinking during the day as this can affect how well they sleep at night e.g. sugary snacks can increase energy levels.
  5. Is your child getting enough exercise during the day?
  6. Establish a bedtime routine and be consistent. If you don’t stick to the same routine each night it will not work.
  7. Create a restful environment for your child. Ask yourself: Is your child too hot or too cold? If your child is too cold, you could consider using a double duvet tucked under the mattress of a single bed.  Consider too, noise levels, light and whether your child is overstimulated by toys/computers or electrical devices in their bedroom.
  8. Comfort. Is your child’s bed giving them the proper support? Is it worn or soiled? Is it comfortable to sleep in? Try the Bed MOT to see if your child’s bed would pass.
  9. Finally, aim to wake your child up at the same time each morning to reinforce their night-time and morning routine.

Remember, night-time should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for everyone!

What to do next

If you are worried about your child’s sleep it may be helpful to talk to your Health Visitor or GP regarding your concerns. At Dalzell’s of Markethill our expert staff are on-hand to advise on any sleep needs you or your family have. As a Sleep Council retailer, we take your concerns seriously and will provide you with the best advice on beds, mattresses and bedding to suit your particular circumstances. Visit us in-store, call 028 3755 1260, email or go online where you’ll find lots of information on getting a good night’s sleep, best buys and choosing the right bed for you. A short drive from Lisburn and located conveniently between Armagh and Newry, we’re perfectly placed to accommodate your new bed purchase. What’s more, we provide a Free Collection and Recycling of Your Old Bed service and Free Delivery of your New Bed throughout our Free Delivery Zone, which extends across Northern Ireland, and Counties Louth, Monaghan and Dublin, in the rest of Ireland.

* Information about sleep, Early Support for Children, Young People and Adults

How to Create the Perfect Sleep Environment

The Perfect Sleep Environment

Did you wake up this morning feeling refreshed? If not, you’re not alone. According to the recently published Great British Sleep Survey, people from Northern Ireland are considered among the ‘Worst Sleepers’ in the UK.

What Keeps us Awake?

Citing bodily discomfort, noise, partners, room temperature and light levels as the top five physical factors affecting sleep, “the racing mind” was considered the main cause of Sleeplessness. Affecting us both emotionally and physically, Sleep Deprivation significantly contributes to daytime fatigue and lack of concentration.

What Sleep Advice is Available?

Fortunately though, organisations such as The Sleep Council are here to help, and as a certified member of The Sleep Council, Dalzell’s of Markethill are fully trained to offer expert bed, mattress and sleep advice to our customers.  Or why not check out our Bed and Mattress Buyers Guides at Armagh Still unsure if your Bed or Bedroom is giving you the Quality Sleep you deserve? Read on for some top tips  to creating the perfect sleep environment from sleep expert, Kathleen McGrath.

 Top Tips for the Perfect Sleep Environment:

  1. Just the Right Temperature – between 16 and 18 degrees centigrade. Feeling too hot or too cold in the night can lead to restless sleep and wakefulness.
  2. Kept dark. Light is a common sleep ‘robber’ so investing in a good pair of well lined curtains which keep the Light Out and the Room Dark can be really helpful.
  3. Free from Distractions. So lose the laptop, the mobile, the computer games, the television and anything else that is likely to distract from the serious business of sleep!
  4. Comfortable. And central to comfortable is a Good Supportive Bed – the bigger the better (for less partner disturbance) and as good as the budget can stretch to: we spend a third of our life in bed so why compromise on the cost of a good night’s sleep?
  5. Relaxing. The bedroom should be an oasis of Calm and Tranquility – uncluttered and devoted to the land of dreams.

What To Do Now…

As a certified member of The Sleep Council, Dalzell’s of Markethill takes your health and sleep needs seriously.  We want to make sure that you are getting the maximum benefit from your bed and mattress ensuring you years of restful, quality sleep.  At Armagh we have produced a series of Bed and Mattress Buyers Guides so that you are assured of making the right choice for your individual comfort and support needs. Or why not Visit in-store today at Dalzells, your local Bedding Experts in N. Ireland. You’ll find us in Markethill’s Main Street with convenient free on-street parking, that’s just off the A28 between Armagh and Newry, a short 20 minute drive from Banbridge or Dungannon and 45 minutes from Lisburn down the M1. You can of course always place your order and gain expert advice from our experienced team over the phone on 028 3755 1260 or even by Email. However you decide to shop with us you can be assured of Expert AdviceA Great Deal and Free Delivery of your Bed or Mattress throughout N. Ireland and Counties Monaghan, Louth and Dublin City, with highly competitive rates available across the rest of the UK and Ireland.